Haber-DiBoni Chiropractic is a family focused practice welcoming individuals of all ages. For the past twenty years, we have provided our patients with quality chiropractic care to help relieve pain and discomfort with safe and effective treatments. Call to arrange a consultation and examination at our Smithfield location and find out if chiropractic is right for you. We welcome your questions and want to partner with you to not only restore your health, but help you maintain your well-being.
What we offer our patients:
- We are a family practice treating patients from newborns through seniors
- We use gentle, non-surgical treatment
- We have on-site diagnostic equipment that quickly targets injured nerves
- We have two decades of quality service with an outstanding reputation for patient care
- We teach you exercises that will augment your recovery and maintain your wellness
Common conditions we treat:
- Stress or age-related conditions
- low back pain
- neck pain/headaches
- sacroiliac joint pain
- numbness and tingling in arms or legs
- sciatica
- Sports injuries:
- ankle sprain
- golfer’s/tennis elbow
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- plantar faciitis
- shin splints
- knee sprain & tendonitis
- Achilles tendonitis
- iliotibial band syndrome
- hip flexor syndrome
- calf strain
- swimmer’s shoulder
- pitcher’s elbow
- For expecting mothers:
- headaches
- neck Pain
- mid back Pain
- low back Pain
- sacroiliac, pelvis and hip pain
- sciatica
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- numbness in arms and legs
- help with head-first presentation